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Ready, Set, Evo60: Level Up Your Fitness with The Crossfit Geek

I wrote a blog recently about my upcoming program. But I needed to change the date and just really fine tune what the program is really about. SO! here we go again with another blog from yours truly.

Im def-in-nately on the hype train for this one—what's the latest scoop? Well, hold onto your knickers boo boos, because I've teamed up with someone I call, The Crossfit Geek, Coach Adbul from Stay Classy CrossFit. That's right, I dropped the "C" word...CROSSFIT, and I'm not sorry! I mean, come on, who wouldn't want to train with a crossfit geek who's got a knack for turning fitness into a fun-filled adventure?

Now, I know what you're thinking: CrossFit? Isn't that the sport that makes you flip tires and grunt like a caveman? But I'm gonna tell you, if you are doing any type of functional fitness, HIIT workouts, or going to Orange Theory, F45...Surprise! You're already doing CrossFit! clutch your pearls and gasp! I know! crazy right? Not really, because CrossFit is functional fitness! And really the crazy workouts you see out there are probably special workouts or maybe that programer is just evil to their members. 🤷🏻‍♀️

But why should you join forces with The Crossfit Geek from Stay Classy Crossfit and me for EVO60? Allow me to break it down for you(wika wika whaaaaa):

1. Expert Guidance, no joke Results:

Together, The Crossfit Geek and I will be your dynamic duo, guiding you every step of the way as you unlock your full potential and crush your fitness & wellness goals. From mastering new movements to pushing past your limits, helping you shift from no I can't to yes I can mindset...we'll be there to cheer you on, celebrate your victories, and pick you up when you need a little extra motivation.

2. Community Spirit:

You're joining a tribe of like-minded individuals who are all on a mission to uplift each other, both physically and mentally. Say farewell to solitary sweat sessions and hello to a supportive tribe that's got your back every step of the way. Because when you surround yourself with positive energy and encouragement, there's no limit to what you can achieve on your fitness and wellness journey!

3. Level Up Your Self-Care Game:

Oh, did I forget to mention that Evo60 isn't just about pumping iron and crushing WODs(workout of the day)? That's right, folks—we're throwing some serious self-care into the mix. Yoga, massage, mindset shifting, and whatever else my little brain comes up with that will only enhance this journey for you!

4. Unleash Your Inner Beast:

Ever feel like you're capable of more than you give yourself credit for? Motivation isnt just a buzzword in this house! Yes, it's gonna take consistency. Yes it's gonna take accountability. Yes it's gonna take us smothering you with support. But the biggest part of this program is motivation. The lack will disappear out of your beautiful brain. So that we can help unleash your inner beast...HA, maybe its an inner Crossfit Beast! 🤨 And then, you really start to make progress in your fitness and wellness goals. You will be amazed at what you can achieve when you put your mind to it.

So there you have it, peeps—the secret's out, and the excitement is foh realzyys. If you're ready to level up your fitness game, get started on your goals, and have a heck of a good time in the process, then EVO60 with The Crossfit Geek is calling your name. —

Sign up to get notified when the official sign up is up and let's get ready to rock!

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